INDUSTRIES:: Retail Sector

Product Details

Commercial Retail outlets

Technology has been widely used in Retail sector since last decade, A recent survey has revealed there is a 33% positive growth for on-demand technology in the next couple of years which is why Vintula has been made suitable for any retail outlets. Right from small-scale shopping complex to a mega mall, Vintula has all the necessary features & modules to handle your requirements. Get in touch with our Sales team for a Quote (or) Email us at:

B2B Service Providers

Business to Business transactions mostly needs complete transparency among two companies & at certain times may involve 3rd party agencies, Vintula works quite well with both crieterias, even incase of offshore deliveries

Branded Stores

Today's modern world has witnessed Branding as top essential in Grade-A lifestyle, we can simply conclude anything from apparels to Food and Food to travel most of them are branded & sold, And so, our solution to run any such brand store is very much possible. Some of the unique features include linking multiple stores from any different location, city & country together, having one single centralized database, store permission levels & more